Our Clients
We work with large independent companies, majors with in-house service groups needing load-leveling, as well as smaller independent companies playing catch-up with integrated technology.
Our staff has worldwide experience in both clastic and carbonate reservoirs.
Our US experience base covers the entire Rocky Mountain region, the Permian basin, the Gulf of Mexico, East Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Alaska,
while our international experience base covers the UK and Norwegian North Sea, Middle East, North Africa, West Africa, South Africa, South America, Mexico, Indonesia, China, and Russia.
The following list highlights some of the clients we have worked with:
AGR Petroleum Services
AJM Petroleum Consultants
American Oil and Gas
Anadarko Petroleum Corp.
Anderson Oil & Gas Inc
Ansbro Petroleum Corp.
Anschutz Exploration Corp.
Apache Corporation
Arcis Seismic Solutions
Aspect Resources LLC
Bahamas Petroleum Company PLC
Barree & Assoc., LLC
Bennett Jones, LLP
Beta Offshore
BG Group
BHP Billiton
Bill Barrett Corporation
Bold Energy III LLC
Border to Border Exploration LLC
Bureau of Economic Geology
Burlington Resources
Canadian Forest Oil Ltd.
Carigali Hess Operating Company Sdn Bhd
Chesapeake Energy Corporation
Chevron Corp. (formerly Chevron Texaco)
Channel Energy LLC
Cibolo Energy
Colorado School of Mines
Consultec International Inc
Cornerstone E&P Company
Crimson Exploration Inc.
Devon Energy Corp.
Directorate General of Hydrocarbons
El Paso Production Co.
Emerald Energy Plc
Enerplus Resources
Eni S.p.A.
EOG Resources, Inc.
Eternal Energy Corp.
Exco Resources, Inc
Forest Oil Corp.
Forge Energy, LLC
Formosa Petrochemical Corp. (FPCC)
Geo Data Services
Golder Associates, Inc.
Great Western Drilling Company
Harvest Natural Resoures, Inc. UK
Hawkwood Energy LLC
Hess Corp. (formerly Amerada Hess)
HighMount E&P, LLC
HiPoint Reservoir Imaging, LLC
Iron Creek Energy Group
J-W Operating Company
Junex Inc.
Kinder Morgan
Kreckel Oil & Gas Geosciences
Laredo Petroleum (formerly Broad Oak Energy)
Legacy Reserves Operating, LLC
Linn Energy
Maersk Oil
Marathon Oil Corporation
Marathon Oil KDV B.V.
Marubeni Oil & Gas (USA), Inc
Memorial Resource Development LLC
Montana State University
Murfin Drilling Company
Nance Petroleum Corp.
Nautilus World Limited
Newfied Exploration Company
Oasis Petroleum
Occidental Petroleum Corp. (OXY International)
OGX Oil and Gas, part of the EBX Group
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation, Ltd.
Omimex Resources, Inc.
OMV Exploration & Production Gmbh
ONHYM (formerly as ONAREP)
Pacific Rubiales Energy
Peregrine Midstream Partners LLC
Petrobras Energia SA
Petro-Chem Operating Company, Inc
Petroleum Development Oman
Petrominerales Ltd.
Petrotechnical Resources Alaska
PetroSync LLP
Pioneer Natural Resources
Reliance Industries Limited
Repsol YPF Bolivia S.A.
Resolute Energy Corporation
Rex Energy Corp.
Rocky Mountain Petroleum Consulting LLC
Samson Energy Company LLC
Samson Oil & Gas Ltd
Samson Resources Company
Saudi Aramco
Shell Exploration and Production Co.
Split Rock Resource LLC
St Mary's Land and Exploration Co.
Sterling Seismic Services Ltd.
TAQA Atrush B.V.
Tatweer Petroleum
Team Energy, LLC
The Strickland Group
TotalFinaElf E&P USA, Inc.
U.S. Dept. of Energy
Vermilion Energy
Waha (Oasis)
Wells Chappell and Company, Inc.
West Bay Exploration Company
Western Gas Resources
Whiting Petroleum Corp.
Yates Petroleum
Yem Oil Co. Ltd
Project Map

USA Projects
- Rocky Mountain Overthrust Oil Reservoir
- Rocky Mountain Coal Bed Methane
- Rocky Mountain Tight Formation Gas Play
- Rocky Mountain Shale Oil
- Rocky Mountain & Permian Basin CO2 EOR
- Delaware Basin Wolfcamp Sand Reservoir
- Permian Basin Carbonate Reservoir
- East Texas Gas Reservoir
- South Texas Shale Gas
- North-Central Texas Gas Reservoir (Boonsville Field)
- Oklahoma Waterflood Oil Reservoir
- Oklahoma, Anadarko Basin, Gas Play
- Gulf of Mexico Deep-Water Oil Reservoir
- Alaska Turbidite Reservoir
International Projects
- UK North Sea Oil Reservoir
- UK North Sea Gas Condensate Reservoir
- UK Area Gas Storage Project
- Middle East Oil Reservoir
- Indonesia Oil Reservoir
- Mexico Oil Reservoir
- Western Russia Oil Reservoir
- Venezuela Fluvial Channel Oil Reservoir
- North Africa Gas Condensate
- South Africa Oil Reservoir
- Colombia Fractured Gas Condensate Reservoir
- Bolivia Fractured Gas Reservoir
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